
Salmon farming is an incredibly dynamic, diverse, and ever-evolving industry that plays an important role in sustainable communities. Atlantic Canada’s fish farming industry is helping fill a global need for healthy food and bringing economic prosperity to our region.

An Economic

Atlantic Canada’s salmon farming industry is one of this region’s biggest economic drivers. Salmon farming employs over 8,000 people in our region, generates $2 billion in total economic output and grows over 323 million meals annually.

Farmed salmon is the second largest agriculture-based export in Atlantic Canada. Atlantic Canadian fish farms produce 40 per cent of Canada’s farmed salmon. Our farmers produce between 40 and 70 thousand tonnes of fish annually, or between approximately ten and twenty million fish (harvest per year). More than 75 per cent of our region’s farmed salmon is exported to the United States.

of consumers polled in Atlantic region support salmon farming (Narrative Research 2024). That strong support has been
steady for the past six years.

While many of the jobs directly related to salmon farming occur in Atlantic Canada’s rural and coastal communities, the success of salmon farming has created employment opportunities throughout the region in feed manufacturing, packaging, transportation, the supply and service sectors as well as spin-off jobs in other sectors of the community including retail and tourism.

Atlantic Canada can reap the benefits from the growing global demand for seafood, and by doing so create even more jobs at home, generate investment and renew the tax base in rural communities.

Salmon Ripple Effect
View a graphic from the International Salmon Farmers Association showing the ripple effect of salmon farming.
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Socioeconomic Benefits
Read more about the Benefits of Salmon Farming in Atlantic Canada 2020 - Overview of RIAS Inc. Report
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Atlantic Quarterly Survey
The Spring (Q2) Atlantic Quarterly Survey highlights relating to public perception of salmon farming.
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News & Releases
As the only association focused solely on salmonid farming in Atlantic Canada, the ACFFA can help you stay current on industry happenings, expand your network as well as promote and protect your interests.
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