
Have you considered a career in salmon farming? The possibilities are endless, and most jobs in this sector are year-round, well-paying and include benefits. Aquaculture has the youngest workforce of any agriculture sector in Canada and ever-evolving technology and science make it an exciting career choice.

Aquaculture has the youngest workforce of any agriculture sector in Canada and 
ever-evolving technology and science make it an exciting career choice.

Atlantic Canada is considered a global leader in salmon farming – from our state-of-the-art farms, hatcheries and processing plants to our world-class research facilities, feed plants and innovative engineering firms.

While many of the jobs directly related to salmon farming occur in Atlantic Canada’s rural and coastal communities, the success of salmon farming has created employment opportunities throughout the region in feed manufacturing, packaging, transportation, supply and service sectors as well as spin-off jobs in other sectors including retail and tourism. View our downloadable career graphic in the resources section below.

Career Days
Want the ACFFA to attend your Career Day event or talk to your class about careers in aquaculture? Get in touch.
Katelyn Harris
Community Outreach and Education Coordinator
Or Telephone
If you are interested in a career in aquaculture, you can contact the Human Resource Departments at the companies on our membership list on the About Us page for contact information.
Training Programs
Interested in a career in salmon farming?  Check out some of the educational opportunities available.
Diversity & Inclusion
The ACFFA is in the process of creating an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Programme specific to and adoptable by the salmon farming industry that includes key reportable measures.

In October 2022, the ACFFA’s Science, Research and Technology Forum was held in conjunction with a Women of Salmon Farming Symposium, a first-of-its-kind event in Atlantic Canada aimed at harnessing opportunities for women and improving gender equity in our region’s salmon farming sector.

Participants reviewed the high-level insights from ACFFA’s study: Gender-Based Opportunities and Challenges in Salmon Farming in Atlantic Canada which examines gender equity throughout Atlantic Canada’s salmon farming value chain.

In October 2023, during the Responsible Seafood Summit (co-hosted by ACFFA) in Saint John, New Brunswick, the ACFFA facilitated a workshop on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion with the support of Ernst and Young. Input gathered at the workshop will be used by ACFFA going forward to create an Atlantic project committee.

Video: The Women of Atlantic Salmon Farming
Atlantic Canada Salmon Farming Careers Graphic
Learn about the endless career opportunities available in this sector.
View the Graphic
News & Releases
As the only association focused solely on salmonid farming in Atlantic Canada, the ACFFA can help you stay current on industry happenings, expand your network as well as promote and protect your interests.
Learn More