Farming Regulation

Salmon farming is the most regulated farming sector in Canada, and it is a crucial and sustainable way to help feed the world while reducing the pressure on wild stocks. In Atlantic Canada, each province is the lead manager and developer of the salmon farming sector in its own province. This allows each province to adapt the industry regulations to its own unique coastal areas with the shared goal of 
long-term sustainability.

Six Agencies.

The provinces manage their aquaculture sectors in conjunction with six federal agencies: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Transport Canada, and Health Canada.


In addition, Atlantic salmon farmers adhere to several standards and 
guidelines including:

Code of Containment

The Code details rigorous guidelines aimed at ensuring every farmed salmon remains on site. The guidelines specify all aspects of containment – the design plans of the facility, appropriate mooring systems, structural components and netting – and ensure they reflect the environmental conditions of the farm location. Due to ongoing advancements in technology and the implementation of the Code of Containment, escapes have been dramatically reduced over the past 25 years, now estimated at well below one per cent. Regulation requires that escapes be reported.

Environmental Management Program (EMP)

Developed through a collaborative process with government agencies, academia and the community, and regulated through provincial and federal governments. The EMP goal is to guide the long-term environmental sustainability of the marine finfish aquaculture industry in Atlantic Canada.

Farm Management Plans (FMP)

FMPs include information on fish health management, environmental monitoring, farm operations and containment management.

Integrated Pest Management Plans (IPMP)

Outlines a multi-level approach to controlling sea lice. Data is reported to provincial and 
federal regulators.


All Atlantic Canadian salmon farming companies are involved in third-party certification programs to ensure the highest quality salmon is produced. Atlantic salmon products can be traced back to the original farm and hatchery where the fish was raised, including records of what they ate and how the farmer cared for them.

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News & Releases
As the only association focused solely on salmonid farming in Atlantic Canada, the ACFFA can help you stay current on industry happenings, expand your network as well as promote and protect your interests.
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