— June 8, 2023 —

ACFFA Earns Gulf of Maine Industry Award for Environmental Leadership and Innovation

The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment has selected the Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association (ACFFA) as the recipient of its 2023 Industry Award.

The Council gave out the award to ACFFA Executive Director Susan Farquharson at a ceremony last night in Boston, Massachusetts. The award recognizes demonstrated innovation and leadership in efforts to improve the well-being of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem and the communities that call it home.

“It is our pleasure to recognize the Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association for your outstanding leadership toward sustainable and environmentally responsible finfish production in the Gulf of Maine,” says the award citation. “Your efforts to advance ocean sustainability and science-based aquaculture research have helped protect natural resources in the Gulf of Maine while also supporting the maritime fishing economy and communities that rely on this important industry.”

The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment, created in 1989 by the governments of Maine, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New Hampshire and Nova Scotia, works to foster environmental health and community well-being throughout the Gulf watershed. The Council’s mission is to maintain and enhance environmental quality in the Gulf of Maine to allow for sustainable resource use by existing and future generations.

“ACFFA is honoured to be recognized by the Council for our lead role coordinating, communicating, and supporting the continuing innovation that has resulted in our region’s salmon farming sector being recognized as global leaders in sustainable and environmentally responsible finfish production,” says Farquharson. “Earning this award in conjunction with World Oceans Day reaffirms our commitment to ocean sustainability and continued action in our own region to preserve our ocean.”

ACFFA has actively supported its members’ commitment to sustainability in a variety of ways including coordinating coastal clean ups and research pilot projects as well as organizing an annual Aquaculture Research Science and Technology Forum to showcase the latest innovations and facilitate the exchange of new ideas. ACFFA’s focus on sustainability leadership helped bring to life several new green aquaculture technologies that support healthier oceans as well as a revolutionary partnership called Fundy Salmon Recovery that is changing the face of wild salmon conservation and resulting in the highest returns of inner Bay of Fundy wild Atlantic salmon in 20 years. This program has created the world’s first Wild Salmon Conservation Farm in the Bay of Fundy’s Dark Harbour and is a true collaboration of First Nations, academia, all levels of government and industry that exemplifies the positive results which come from working collaboratively toward the shared goal of sustainable oceans.

The Atlantic Canada Fish Farmer Association members – farmers, feed producers, and service support organizations – represent an industry that contributes more than $2 billion, and over 8,000 jobs, each year to the Atlantic Canadian economy through research-intensive, environmentally and commercially responsible aquaculture. For almost four decades, ACFFA has served as the regional voice of the salmon farming sector at all levels of government and in community engagement.

For more information, please contact:
Susan Farquharson, Executive Director
Ph: 506-755-3526
Email: info@atlanticfishfarmers.com

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As the only association focused solely on salmonid farming in Atlantic Canada, the ACFFA can help you stay current on industry happenings, expand your network as well as promote and protect your interests.
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